Oh, SWIMBAD makes a white wine too...and it's epic.
2020 SWIMBAD White
Release Price: $15.00
winestore. Price: $9.99 (net)
SAVE 33%
Lowest Online Price in the USA!
*Curbside Pickup Always Available!*
Yeah...so when we got all hyped up on SWIMBAD Rosé we also got to taste their white wine.
Between the PET bottle, the price, the package, and the delicious wine (this is a blend of Sauvignon Blanc and Colombard) - it is just an overall pleasurable experience. It kinda embodies both the classic style of traditional French white wine and the very modern pursuit of fresh fruity flavors.
There is so much about wine that is subjective. If we are to understand how traditional wines came to be, it’s to know that pleasure is the goal. Of course, we could demand more but why is that necessary? Isn’t pleasure enough? Shouldn’t we enjoy wines for what they are and what they offer? If the last year has taught us nothing else, it is that seeing the downside of everything is easy. Our goal is to find the positive. As James Joyce said of his epic Ulysses, the book should end with the most positive word in the English language. "Yes.”
So let's all just say "yes" this weekend. Right? I know what I'm going to enjoy.
Let's get to it!
*side note* - I just realized that you can see the lady riding the goldfish from the rosé label in the swimming pool of the white wine label, and you can see the guy on the diving board from the white wine label on the rosé label. It kinda just blew my mind.
To order you can:
E-mail us HERE
Call CAMERON VILLAGE @ 919-747-9077
Call CHAPEL HILL @ 984-234-0446
Call WILMINGTON @ 910-239-9479
Call MORRISVILLE @ 919-694-5028
Call SOUTHPARK @ 704-442-4024
Call BLAKENEY @ 704-443-2944
Call LAKE NORMAN @ 704-892-5662