😎 One of the hottest $9.99 Chardonnay's in the US?
2023 Belleplane Chardonnay
Avg Vivino Price: $24.00 (Here)
SALE Price: $9.99 (net)
SAVE 58%
Lowest Online Price in the US!
Reminder we open at 9am Thursday - Saturday!
There may be no hotter $9.99 Chardonnay in the US other than Belleplane.
The winery reported to us that sales were up 58% in the US market in 2024 - which by all accounts is absolutely bonkers.
That said, I get the hype.
In France, the grape is sometimes secondary; it’s the place that counts, at least when it comes to the labels. So it took years before the French would even let someone drop the name of the grape on the label; well, except for in Alsace, but that's a whole other story. The French label police have loosened up a bit and, particularly with wines from the vast Languedoc-Roussillon region in the south, they’re okay with Chardonnay, as with this bottle, being on the label.
Vast as the region is, it matters if you’re close to the coast, or up in the mountains, and with a grape like Chardonnay, cooler, higher elevation sites are best and that is exactly where this comes from. About a third of the wine is barrel-fermented; the rest is in stainless steel, with just enough lees-stirring to fatten up the wine and round it out.
It's everything I love about the wine business - while there are plenty of producers out there trying to squeeze every last cent they can out of their customers, there are then wineries like Belleplane. Where the goal is to create the absolute most luxurious product possible for the least amount possible. These are my kind of people!
We'll have this gem on the tasting machine at all 9 stores for just $0.01 through Sunday, in case you want to see for yourself what all the hype is about.
70 degrees and sunny today!
Anyone fancy a glass of Chardonnay on the back patio?!?!?!?!
To order you can:
E-mail us HERE
Call DUNWOODY @ 470-709-2289
Call ASHEVILLE @ 828-417-7305
Call RALEIGH @ 919-747-9077
Call CHAPEL HILL @ 984-234-0446
Call WILMINGTON @ 910-239-9479
Call MORRISVILLE @ 919-694-5028
Call SOUTHPARK @ 704-442-4024
Call BLAKENEY @ 704-443-2944
Call LAKE NORMAN @ 704-892-5662