We heard you...so we put it on sale!
2019 Larme en Rose
Release Price: $20.00
SALE Price: $9.99 (net)
SAVE 50%
Lowest Online Price in the USA!
Lowest Online Price in the USA!
SALE runs Wednesday January 20th - Sunday January 24th, 2021
We continue to recommend using our website (HERE) and choosing in store / curbside pickup, and we will walk your order out and place it in your car.
I guess word has gotten out that now ALL French wine (except Champagne - those guys must have some really good lobbyists) that comes into the US is being hit with a 25% tariff, and they only gave us 12 days notice.
In the wake of this news, basically a bajillion of you have e-mailed asking when Larme will be going on sale again so you can load up. I get it. It's our best selling rosé...the wine is delicious...and at the sale price of $9.99 it is just a silly value.
Well, we are in the business of pretty much doing whatever you guys want, so here we go!
$9.99 per bottle. 5 days only. You can grab yourself a small stockpile to make it until the trade war is over :)
Why is the wine so special?
Well, if you stick around the wine business long enough, you’ll have seen it all. Where once wine coolers were cooler than Liebfraumilch, now hard seltzer is hot (served cold). White Zin was once de rigeur, though it was never French; it was from the good ol’ US of A. But then that became too sweet and the category died. Or seemed to. Because then rosé rose up like a zombie eager for fresh meat, though the current iteration of the pink stuff is more often French than not. Provence is the epicenter of it and the French have figured out how we like it: dry, pale pink, light and refreshing.
Larme has all this and more in spades.
So lets get to it! Happy Wednesday!
To order you can:
E-mail us HERE
Call CAMERON VILLAGE @ 919-747-9077
Call CHAPEL HILL @ 984-234-0446
Call WILMINGTON @ 910-239-9479
Call MORRISVILLE @ 919-694-5028
Call SOUTHPARK @ 704-442-4024
Call BLAKENEY @ 704-443-2944
Call LAKE NORMAN @ 704-892-5662